Frequently Asked Questions

How much does In-Home Lactation Support cost?

The initial In-Home Lactation visit costs $150 for 90 minutes. Subsequent visits are $75 for 90 minutes.

How much does the Virtual Prenatal Lactation Course cost?

$125 for 90 minute course.

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance. Lactation support is definitely an investment but I want you to know that the benefit it brings to you and your family is so valuable.

How do I know if I need lactation support?

Common reasons moms need breastfeeding support are: painful or uncomfortable latch, engorgement discomfort, baby is not gaining weight, baby screams at breast, milk supply concerns, baby wanting to breastfeed constantly, tongue/lip tie evaluation, questions about pumping, feeding routines, how to tell if baby is getting enough to eat, weaning, and reassurance in breastfeeding.

What if I need immediate help?

If you need immediate support, please email me. If I can’t see you in person, I would be happy to do a Virtual Session with you over Zoom or troubleshoot with you over the phone. Just reach out and we’ll figure something out.

Is it worth it to see a Lactation Specialist?

Yes! If you are having any of the above struggles or just need validation that things are going well, a Lactation Specialist is vital in empowering you in your breastfeeding journey. The one-on-one time to get questions answered is invaluable. Many times the breastfeeding issues are easy fixes that can be resolved in one session.

Do I need more than one visit?

Most of the time feeding issues can be resolved in one session. If multiple sessions are required, it will be a case by case basis.

What if I have other kids in the home during the visit?

No problem at all! I have 3 kids of my own and have 7 siblings. I welcome any and all interruptions. If you’re comfortable with it, I’m comfortable with it. I love including siblings to learn about the new baby.

Aren’t lactation visits just for newborns?

Most of the time, yes, but not always. Babies older than 12 weeks are not considered newborn. However, if you are having breastfeeding difficulties or have questions about returning to work, pumping, etc., a lactation visit will be beneficial to you.

Can you help with twins?

I love helping with twins! I can absolutely help you. Whether your babies are on oxygen, born prematurely, or just need extra support at the breast, I will help simplify the process with you and develop a feeding routine that works for your family. We may need more than one visit to meet your breastfeeding goals as your needs may be more complex. I am here to help!

I feel weird about having someone in my home I’ve never met.

This is absolutely understandable. Breastfeeding in general is very personal. Breastfeeding in your own home is no exception. I will do my best to create a warm and comfortable environment. My demeanor is relaxed and peaceful. I will explain everything to you in an easy to understand way without rushing you or your baby. This is your time. I’m simply here to assist you.

I want to book a visit but none of the times available work for me. What do I do?

Feel free to email me at because we may be able to arrange a more convenient visit. I do my best to respond quickly. You are my priority!

I had a lactation visit but I still have questions. What do I do?

Just text me or email me! I want to be in your corner as you continue to breastfeed. If something comes up after our visit that you need addressed, I will do my best to answer all of your questions in a timely manner.